Access to information

Information Sets

Licensing Use Scheme


  • License use by Data Type, valid for 25 years. Companies and users in general, can request geophysical digital information, wells or studies.

    It does not have exclusive use or commercial use of the information.


  • License use by well Zone, valid for 3 years (annual payment). Companies and users in general can request digital information about a set of wells in a given area.

    It does not have exclusive use or commercial use of the information.


  • License use Annual wells, valid for one year. Companies and users in general can request digital information about a set of wells in a given area.

    It does not have exclusive use or commercial use of the information.


  • License use for Authorized companies, Assignees and Contractors, valid during the period that the annual Authorization is in force. Companies and users in general can request digital information related to an Authorization.

    It does not have exclusive use or commercial use of the information.


  • License use for Universities and Research Centers, valid in accordance with the collaboration agreement signed with the National Hydrocarbons Information Center. Universities and Research Centers can request available digital information.

    It does not have exclusive use or commercial use of the information.


  • License Use for Physical Samples, has a validity of a maximum period of six months. Interested companies and users can request Physical samples (Loan).

    It does not have exclusive use or commercial use of the information.



  • License use for Information Generated by Authorized companies, will be valid according to the terms established in the provisions of ARES. Companies and users in general, can request digital information, derived from ARES.

    It has the exclusive use and commercial use of the information.

    * Until expiration of the confidentiality period, the right of use becomes non-exclusive.


  • License use for the Information Generated by Assignees and Contractors, will be valid according to the validity of the corresponding Assignment or Contract. Companies and users in general, can request digital, related to an Assignment or Contract.

    It has the exclusive use and commercial use of the information.

    * Until expiration of the confidentiality period, the right of use becomes non-exclusive.

ARES scheme

Companies authorized to perform reconnaissance and surface exploration (ARES) or with rights in an Entitlement or a Contract, may request the information from the National Hydrocarbons Information Center.

Visit the ARES section in

If you have any doubts or comments please contact:

[email protected]



3D Seismic and migrated gathers Inventory (2024)
2D Seismic Inventory (2024)
Notice about coordinate systems


Visits for data visualization in Physical Data Rooms (CDMX)

test 1






  1. Send an e-mail to [email protected] with the specific subject: Request for CNIH data visualization visit. Attach the visit request format.
  2. The CNIH will set up the appointment at the requested date. However, if there is no availability, CNIH will propose a different date in agreement with the interested party.
  3. The company must confirm the appointment.
  4. On the day of the visit, participants must present an official ID (Mexican nationals: voting credential, professional card or passport. Foreign visitors: Passport or residence card issued by the National Institute of Migration).
  5. To enter the building and additional ID will be required (driver’s license, company ID).
  6. Electronic, storage or communication devices such as computers, cell phones, usb, among others will not be allowed inside the data room. These objects can be stored in lockers located in the front desk of the data room.
  7. Sessions will last 4 hours. Morning sessions start at 10:00 am and end at 14:00 hrs; while afternoon sessions start 16:00 hrs and finish at 20:00 hrs. On Fridays, only morning sessions will be scheduled.
  8. Depending on availability, several visits may be scheduled. However, only a maximum of 4 consecutive sessions, or two complete days, may be requested within the same week. A maximum of 12 sessions per company per process may be requested.
  9. Visit requests shall be made at least 3 days in advance.

Request Format for CNIH Data Rooms Visits                                         Download